A lovely walk that takes you up the firebreak just before you enter Scarborough (on the Misty Cliffs side) and into the mountains overlooking Witsand and Soetwater. It is partially in the Baskloof Private Nature Reserve and mostly in the Table Mountain National Park. You will need a permit from Baskloof (obtainable from The Hub next door to the Camel Rock Restaurant - but if you start early you will have to get it when you return as they are not open early) and, if you have dogs, a SANParks dog permit.
Meeting place: On Main Road, just before Scarborough, park opposite the firebreak at the "Baboon" signpost and make sure you car is tightly locked - against human and baboon marauders. Cross the road and walk up the firebreak with the houses on your right.
At the back row of houses, follow the path as it curves slightly right towards the houses, then take the first left fork in the path which will take you up to a sign saying Redhill Fynbos Private Nature Reserve.
Carry on up and up towards the saddle between Platberg (to your left) and Grootkop (towards your right) until you come to a crossroads near the Crocodile Rock (shown above). Left will take you up Platberg where there are some great views, straight will take you to some rocky outcrop, and right will take you on our walk.
Continue on the path over some rocks - with cairns to mark the way. The path soon comes to a T-junction with another single-track path after a large cairn (which will be your marker to turn right when you return).
Turn left and carry on along the path where there are some lovely views down to the sea.
The path soon joins a bigger road - a sort of jeep track - where you turn left again. After a few metres there is a track to the right, but this just goes to a house and tepee tents so bear left here and follow the track for a kilometre or so, past Vloeiberg on your right,
until it just peters out on Platkop overlooking the Kommetjie-Misty Cliffs road.
Now you will have to turn round and re-trace your steps.
The whole walk will take about 4 hours.
Special sightings include baboons (they are largely unconcerned with hikers - just pack away your food and leash your dogs!),
the rare Erica fairii on the slopes of Vlooiberg,
vlamme (Gladiolus bonaspei),
Wurmbea hiemalis, a threatened Cape Peninsula endemic
and the Frothy Heath (Erica spumosa).