but they have some shiny new chains there now. Once you are at the top of Corridor Ravine, turn left at the stone cairn onto the Apostles Path, and miss the first path to your left, but just as the Cable Station comes into view, there is a second path to the left. Take that. Then look out for the first indistinct path to the right - and take that. (Although the other path will get you there too - only higher up.) Look out for some ancient yellowwoods sticking out of the rocks, and you will soon enter the first of the cracks.
On the way back continue along the Apostles Path and descend Kasteelspoort. (Woody and Three Firs are also a possibility but a bit steeper in parts and not dog friendly.)
Click here for a map and a description from Shirley Brossy's book on Walks on Table Mountain (although she advocates going up Kasteelspoort and down Corridor)..
Laddie in one of the cracks. Keep dogs on leads as there are lots of crevices to fall into.
From May to September, you will have a chance to see the RARE Peninsula Sissies (Brachysiphon fucatus) that grows up there.